2011. december 31., szombat

The role of libraries in information Society

To tell the truth, it's a pleasure to write about this topic. Take it or leave it! Personally, I think, there are the classics that everyone knows of, those that ought to be classics, and then there are the ones that have an individual importance to individual readers - an inspiration maybe, or a reminder of childhood. "Now I am sitting at my open window, writing - for whom? Not for any friend or wife. Scarcely for myself, even for the reasonable world. I do not read today what I wrote yesterday; nor shall I read this tomorrow. I write simply so my hand can move, my thoughts move of their own accord. I write to kill a sleepless hour. Why can't I sleep? After all, I've committed no crime, but I came out a little bit of practice. I taught myself the english, it would be important accreditation of Prior Learning. Nothing of consequence is ever easy. As good as it gets writing openness. Let me explain it:
The information society development demands to re-define the position and objectives of all the institutions which work with information, knowledge, and culture. Libraries have been a marginal theme. The situation is changing. Libraries have been identified as one of the key elements for open access to information, which is crucial to democratic information society development. It defines the need for the most important pan-European actions on library field. First, the general development of the information society is pushing to re-evaluation of all the institutions which work with information, data, and knowledge - indirectly also with culture. But libraries - as well as other memory institutions like archives andmuseums - have not been considered. Still, there is a clear need in the information society to maintain an institution which is concentrating in collecting and organizing information and offering general access to it. Until now, this work has been underestimated, but I argue the situation will change! Libraries are especially important now when the whole idea of education is stressing more and more independent learning and acting. All citizens must be able to find and use information. It is the key raw material - but it is a zero resource, if there are no access points to it and if documents are in chaotic order. Here we can see libraries enter the stage: The unique function of libraries is to acquire, organize, offer for use and preserve publicly available material irrespective of the form in which it is packaged (print, cassette, CD-ROM, network form) in such a way that, when it is needed, it can be found and put to use. No other institution carries out this long-term, systematic work. Culture must be nominated especially: it has an important and unique role in mobilizing resources of human beings. It has been described: To some extent, culture makes its influence felt more indirectly than knowledge, but it is impossible to imagine how people's creative powers could be fully activated without the impact of culture, which extends into the depths of the mind. The challenge to modern societies is that the basic resource, knowledge, is developing from information in very individual, capricious and unpredictable process. It cannot be commanded. The best, societies can support this development, e.g. by offering acces to cultural and knowledge treasures. This can even be translated into economic language: to get out the best from the human resources in Europe, this resource must be feeded up with rich and various cultural and information contents! I would like to stress especially the idea of organising information by libraries. It is often shadowed by the second important side of library work: offering access. But in the life-long learning and new technology context just all forms of organising documents are getting more to the focus. This is clear to anybody who has tried to find something from not-so-often-used Internet websites. In accordance with these phenomenons, there are new political lines in the World: This was only after a long discussion, which made it clear that we have to remember to separate the national view and the European view. A significant part of this are a.o. granting information skills and access to information to every European. In addition to this, the European future strategies need to meet the democratic aspects of the information society development. One of the crucial points is again general access to information. Libraries, especially public libraries, are a good tool in all of these new areas. But the European union does not support whichever cultural or citizen concentrated projects in Europe. In the interests of the European Union there is always to find the European element. So, what can be done in library policy on the European level, taking in account that libraries are primarily a part of national education and cultural policies? The minorities, low-income persons, the less educated, and children of single parent households, particularly when they reside in rural areas or central cities, are risk groups. The report calls for public policies and private initiatives to expand affordable access to critical information resources. But it also shows, , for the first time as far as I know, that libraries and community centres really can diminish the information gap between haves and not-haves. The data from the U.S. demonstrates very clearly that community access centers, primarily public libraries, are particularly well used by those groups who lack access at home or at work: e.g. unemployed groups used Internet in libraries three times as often as an average citizen. In the European Union, there have been some efforts to mobilize "the treasures of the European libraries". The later program has been known as "Telematics for Libraries". They have been strongly concentrated in IT, because it has been seen as a good tool to produce better access to the existing, underused library resources. These programs have had a clear impact in the European library co-operation and development. Benefits of this work come to public libraries indirectly: common standards and working methods help in the end all kind of libraries. But a fact is, that nearly all the libraries active in these EU projects are national libraries or big research and university libraries. A new beginning was the so called Morgan report the libraries were for the first time put clearly onto the place where they belong in the information society. As one result of the Morgan report, the European Commission informed that it will produce a Green Paper about the role of libraries in the information society. For one or another reason, this was made quite ready but was never published. In this situation the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media in the European Parliament decided to produce an own-initiative report about libraries. The main reason was that they wanted to influence the big issues under work in the EU, first of all the copyright directive and the 5th framework program, which will have a direct impact to libraries. I was nominated the rapporteur of the own-initiative report. The report was adopted almost unanimously and with a very encouraging discussion in the Plenary session of the Parliament in October 1998. In short, when adopting the own-initiative report, the EP was calling the Commission and/or the member states to following actions: * Libraries must be taken in account in national and EU information society strategies and in the respective budgets. * Libraries need more resources for acquiring expensive books. * The Green Paper on libraries by the Commission must be completed. * The users position must be taken in account in the copyright directive process, the balance must be maintained - this was politically the most important decision in short run. Support to libraries was demanded from the 5th Framework program of research and development, e.g. for networking, drafting standards, preserving, and transferring information; there is no more named library program under the 5th framework program * A clearing-house to solve problems of long-term conservation should be founded. * Studies concerning permanent paper should be done on European level. * The member states should take care of digitizing their cultural heritage for future. * There should be studies and concrete support to libraries in licensing matters, which are - will be the next big issue in library work. * The EU cultural and information budget should be opened to libraries as well, libraries and their co-operation should be taken in account in planning new programs. * Problems of legal deposit in international and multinational materials, especially in electronic materials should be solved. * The member states should provide all types of libraries with modern equipment, particularly with Internet connections. * Free of charge use of public libraries, in the spirit of the UNESCO Public Library Manifest,was demanded. * Free and easy access via libraries to material produced with the aid of tax revenues was demanded. * The members states should organize for their library professionals up-dating education and training. * A European Union focal point for libraries should be set up (tasks: coordination of library affairs and research, training) * The member states should found European information points at libraries in countries where they do not yet exist. Library statistics should be better and more comparable both on national and European level. * The national Parliament libraries should be opened to the MEP's in countries where this is not yet the practice. In addition to these, the report strongly stresses that the library financing must be re-thougt in the information society. Without new resources libraries are unable to do everything they are expected to do! What then will be the fate of the traditional tasks of libraries in general? It was stated earlier that culture has a special role in building up the modern society and in mobilizing the capacity of its members The significance of reading is only growing in future. Demands to enlargen and deepen literacy skills get greater and greater. Literacy has a special role in guaranteeing the basic citizen competence to everybody. It is in general interests of the society to offer possibilities to all people for maintaining and developing their literacy. In library work new technologies offer new possibilities to raise service level, too. Good examples can already now be found all over the world, mainly of course in those countries where Internet is used largely. Some models: Library catalogues are available via Internet, the patron can check her/ his loaning data from Internet, and even renew the loans a country/areawide information service via Internet and e-mail; there are versions for link libraries or virtual libraries, where libraries collect and describe high-level link-ups discussion lists of librarians, whre they can share their professional skills and knowledge, even take part in developing the library policy of the country/area. There is one special comment concerning Internet which I have heard both from small libraries with rejected printed collections. In case you got reach in Internet, the resources your library can offer to the patrons are suddenly multiplied. It is amazing, it is revolutionary, and we can use it! In the complicated modern society libraries have many kinds of answers to many demands of the society, as well as those of the citizens. They have potential means to serve both the information society development and their traditional humanistic tasks. Maybe information technology will even make it easier to combine these elements in future than in the past!

2011. december 22., csütörtök

A számítógép mint a XXI. század népbetegsége

A számítógépes játékok okozta szenvedély a modern kor népbetegsége, ami pszichés és mentális attitűdök révén beárnyékolja az emberiség jövőjét. Az egész világon megfigyelhető a tendencia, hogy évről évre nő a számítógép okozta szenvedélybetegek száma, köztük egyre több a kóros játékfüggő. Vajon mennyire szolgálja a könyvtár az online játékok révén a közművelődést? A számítógépes függőség több, annál, hogy szeretünk játszani, hiszen az ember homo ludens, miért ne szórakoztathatná magát néha szabadidejében. A függők esetében a kötődés olyan erős, hogy megvonási tüneteket produkálnak, ami lehet dühkitörést és agresszió is. Ez azonban csak a jéghegy csúcsa, mivel a felszínre nem törő pszichés problémák és mentális attitűdök alattomosan burjánzanak el a személyiségünkben, hogy egyszer csak felszínre törjenek, de akkor már kontrol nélkül. Az elvonási tünetek jelei a nyugtalanságban, szorongásban, pánikban esetleg vad indulatban nyilvánulhat meg. A mentális jeleket észre kellene venni a hozzátartozóknak, mert a játékok érzelmi szempontból sivárrá kiégetté és magányossá, majd zárkózottá és elhagyatottá teszik az embert. Valaminek a hiányát kompenzáljuk a játékkal, bár tisztában vagyunk cselekedeteik és a lelki dolgaik összefüggésével, képtelenek vagyunk kiszállni a mókuskerékből. A virtuális ámítás által nyújtott talmi ideák csak tovább erősítik a kudarcot, ami súlyos depresszióhoz és akár suiciditáshoz is vezethet. A számítógépes játékfüggés tünetei nyilvánvalóak, mivel a függőség, olyan magatartásmódok sorozatát hozza felszínre, amelyeket addig nem tapasztaltunk. A személyiség nem tud lemondani róla még akkor sem, ha ezek testi, lelki és szociális ártalmait érzi tudja ismeri vagy a környezete tiltja. Gyakran több függőség együttesen van jelen az életünkben, a televízió a számítógép,( chat, játék, pornó) vagy mobiltelefon. Amikor a környezet nem eléggé inger dús, nem adja meg az egyén számára, amire vágyik, vagy házastársa elhanyagolja, nem képes sikereket elérni az életben párkapcsolatban, nincs célja, értelmetlenné válik az élete,(nincsenek programok, a családtagok elfoglaltak, problémák vannak körülötte, akkor olyan világba menekülhet, ahol ezek a problémák nincsenek jelen. Ha naponta egy óránál több időt töltünk a gép előtt, elindultunk a lejtőn.
A gyerekeknél még rosszabb a helyzet, mivel plasztikus a személyiségük. Gyakran tapasztalhatja a szülő, hogy az iskolából hazatérve bezárkózik a szobájába, és ha megzavarják, agresszív indulatos hangon válaszol, nem érdekli a családja, nem éhes, elhanyagolja alapvető szociális szükségleteit. Amikor nem fontosak már számára azok a dolgok, amik eddig meghatározták életét, kezdi elhanyagolni a hobbijait, melyeket régen szeretett, csak arról tud beszélgetni, hogy mit csinált, hol tart éppen a játékban, a baráti kapcsolatai is egyre inkább áthelyeződnek a virtuális világba, a teljesítménye fokozatosan romlik, egyre fáradékonyabb, kitalál dolgokat amikkel igazolja miért kell bekapcsolnia a számítógépet, ezzel mintegy önigazolást vagy felmentést keresve a függőségre. A realitásérzéke változik, egyre erősebb „sikerforrás” a számítógépes játékok során elért eredmény, ha letiltásra kerül sor akkor az veszekedések, dührohamok, rongálások és mások testi épsége is veszélybe kerülhet. Nem csak önveszélyes, de lassan a család tagja számára is potenciális veszélyt jelent. Ha otthon nem tud hódolni szenvedélyének akkor a könyvtárba megy, ahol háborítatlanul hódolhat szenvedélyének. A szülő csak annyit tud a gyermeke a könyvtárba ment, talán még büszke is rá. A szenvedélybeteg emberek tekintete fáradságról, kimerültségről árulkodik, nincs az arcukon érzelemnek már semmi jele, amint megkapják a lehetőséget a számítógép használatához a türelmetlenség és remegő feszültség átalakul kétségbeesett izgalommá és mindenen átgázolva rontanak szenvedélyük tárgyához. Gyakran csak akkor eszmélünk rá párunk vagy gyermekünk betegségére, amikor ki akarjuk kapcsoltatni velük a számítógépet, ugyanis nem képesek rá. Amikor megszakad az internetkapcsolat dühösen és kétségbeesetten, gyűlöletes arccal akarják elpusztítani a környezetükben található tárgyakat, vagy személyeket, akik korlátozzák vagy megakadályozzák a hozzájutást.. A tehetetlen dűh elképesztő agresszivitást hoz a felszínre, ami a legsúlyosabb bűncselekmények elkövetésére szolgáltat mentális hátteret. Extrém esetben akár összeszorított ököllel és dühös tekintettel bolyongnak türelmetlenül enyhülést remélve. A szenvedélybeteg ember már elképzelni sem tudja az életét számítógép nélkül, lehangolt, depressziós és szorongó, ha nem játszhat, gyakran fáradt, álmos, a szemizom egyensúlyának zavarát okozhatja a túlzott számítógép használat, ami szédülést okozhat, krónikus szemgyulladások keletkeznek, szemégés, szemfáradtság, kötőhártya-vörösség, szárazságérzet, betűk összefolyása, fejfájás, a szemhéjszéli bőr vörössége vagy gyulladása, szúró érzés vagy könnyezés tapasztalható. A végső stádium persze a halál, ami az alváshiányból, az agyi erek kimerültségéből eredő agyvérzésig, és a depresszió okozta öngyilkosságig fajulhat. A híradó tele van ilyen szerencsétlen emberi roncsok tragédiáival, de senki sem eszmél fel. A játszó ember időérzékét elveszíti, megfeledkezik biológiai szükségleteiről (evés, ivás, pihenés, tanulás, wc) a játék közben. Nem érdekli más, csak a játék,nem is érzi, hogy amit tesz nem helyes, a dolgok fontossági sorrendje átalakul, olyan világot teremt magának, amiben nincs helye a problémáknak, és ha ki akarjuk ragadni ebből a közegből, akkor meglepő ellenállásra számíthatunk. Sajnos minden korosztály érintett, fokozatosan elszigetelődnek, keveset és rosszul alszanak és deviáns lesz a viselkedésük. Társadalmi párbeszédre és felelősségteljes politikára lenne szükség. A keresztény értékrendek visszaállítása és a gyerekek nevelése, az emberi kapcsolatok elmélyítése gátat vethetne ennek a torz életvitelnek, amit legyőzni lehet, gyógyítani nem. Minimálisan 3 hónap szeparáció és csoportterápiás kontroll segíti elő az átalakulást. A mesterséges örömforrást kell pótolni ahhoz hogy elfelejtsék illetve ne keressék az olcsó eufóriát. A viselkedési addikcióktól való elfordulás a legnehezebb. ha a beteg nem tud ellenállni a kísértésnek, aztán nem tudja abbahagyni szokását, kényszeresen visszatér hozzá. Mindezek következtében beszűkül és korlátozódik egyetlen szenvedélyre. Hibás énképek esetén előfordulhatnak a kóros feszültség-levezetésnek egészen extrém megnyilvánulásai. Kényszeresen kárt tehet magában, de az önsértő viselkedésnek itt még nem öngyilkossági kísérlet, hanem a feszültség levezetése. A virtuális világban, amit a játék ad, teljesül a vágy, hogy itt ellentétben a valósággal, ők lehetnek a legkiválóbbak, legnagyobbak, legerősebbek, legszebbek. Könnyebben szocializálódhatnak ebben a világban a legkisebb nehézség nélkül. Sokan azért kezdenek el játszani, mert elesettnek és jelentéktelennek érzik magukat igazi lehetőségeik, korlátaik között, a játékban pedig egyszeriben hatalmasokká, híresekké válhatnak. Ebben a világában a kapott szerep megváltoztatja a helyes helyzet felismerésünket, önértékelésünket, itt képesek vagyunk helytállni és elviselni a nehézségeket, szembesülni a szürke hétköznapok problémáival. Szinte rezisztenssé válnak a külső ingerekkel szemben újra és újra visszaesnek a játék világába, ahol minden egyszerű és könnyebb. A függőség társadalmi következménye óriási. Felnőttként a szenvedélybeteg gyermek tovább folytatja kisded játékait és majd a munkahelyen is a játék fog uralkodni felette, és a munkája már csak másodlagos lesz. A teljesítmény rovására megy a szenvedélybetegség, akár a dohányzás, hiszen a dohányosok 20%-al kevesebbet dolgoznak egészséges társaiknál, mert ki mennek rágyújtani. A szenvedély fokozatosan eszkalálódik. A már gyermekkorban elvetett mag majdan felnőtt korban csúcsosodik a teljes élet kudarcává, ami majdan felnőtt korban egy teljes élet kudarcához vezethet A játékfüggő a saját és mások egzisztenciáját is veszélyezteti. A családi kassza mindig megérzi ha a családban van szenvedélybeteg, mert olyan kiadásokkal terheli a családot ami normális esetben nem lenne.(gépvásárlás,internet, online kártya előfizetés, dvd vásárlás stb.)
Természetesen nincs éles határ az egészséges és a kóros játékfüggő között. Mint a legtöbb szenvedélybetegség, ez is nagyon nehezen kezelhető, nincsen egyértelműen hatékony terápiája. A gyógyulásra nem motivált beteg kezelése pedig reménytelen. Első lépés a beteg együttműködésének elérése, a betegségtudat kialakítása, ugyanis a legtöbbjük még az orvosának sem vallja be függőségének mértékét. A konfliktusmegoldó képességet és az érzelmi kifejezőkészséget is javítani kell, ami szinte minden függőre jellemző. Ha a játékszenvedély egy pótcselekvés egy diszharmónia következménye vagy menekülés a valós problémák elől, akkor a problémák megoldása, kiküszöbölése lehet a cél. A család, a házastárs, a szülő, a tanár feladata, hogy eltérítse, kimozdítsa a túlzásba vitt játékból azzal, hogy kommunikál vele, segít a problémák megoldásában, és alternatívákat kínálnak fel számára, a szabadidő tartalmas eltöltésére. Ha nem segíthet a környezet, akkor szakemberhez kell fordulni, például a Nyírő Gyula Kórház foglakozik úgynevezett "kényszeres játék-függő” szenvedélybetegekkel. Minél előbb diagnosztizáltuk a betegséget, annál előbb kezdődhet a kezelés, és annál nagyobb az esély a gyógyulásra, de be kell vallanunk, hogy a visszaesés veszélye még évek múltán is nagy.

2011. december 14., szerda

Who is an intellectualand who retarded?

Drága barátom, ha azt gondolod hogy Apollinaire egy pillangó, ha Konfucius neve a kungfu-t jelenti számodra, ha Pizarro a pizza-t jelenti neked, ha a Kurus szóról a kuruzslás jut eszedbe, ha a Bacon szó a szalonnát jelenti neked, gyere el a könyvtárba itt a helyed köztünk...

Mondhatjuk, hogy mindenki, mert mindenki annak tartja magát, de ez nem ilyen egyszerű. Értelmiségi az, akinek az alapműveltsége intellektuális tartalommal van megtöltve, logikusan gondolkodik, racionálisan mérlegel, értelmes fejezi ki magát, analitikus elemző, képes szintetizálni, asszociálni és új értéket teremteni, akár szellemi síkon is. Ezek alapján a juhász ember is az. Akinek érettségije van, az azt állítja az érettségizettek, akinek diplomája van, az azt hogy a diplomás, akinek doktorátusa van, az azt hogy a doktorok. Ugye megmondtam, hogy mindenki annak tartja magát. Humán vagy reál, diplomás vagy sem, mellékes. Ha hiányzik az alapműveltség, nem a magyar átlagot értem alatta, akkor talán nem is kellene a többit vizsgálni. Tele van a média, a politika, a hatalom, a közszféra, az oktatás(itt a tanárokra is gondolok) alul-művelt vagy félművelt álértelmiséggel. Persze vannak emberek, akik főiskolai vagy egyetemi tanulmányok nélkül is elsajátították ugyanazokat az ismereteket, képesek az előbb leírt kritériumoknak megfelelni, mint ahogy sajnos vannak olyanok is, akik akárhány egyetemet is végeznek el, ugyanolyanok maradnak, mint voltak. Ez egy ismert társadalmi jelenség, de nem általánosítható. A műveltség, a viselkedés, az intelligencia és a kultúra nem mindig járnak egy úton, és ha nem akkor nem ekvivalensek az értelmiséggel. Egyszer, egy szerény tanárom mondtam azt: "...ha ez fiam a mai értelmiség, akkor én nem akarok odatartozni".
A műveletlen ember szájába az okoskodás úgy illik mint az eben guba....

You could say that everyone, because everyone keeps to himself, but it's not that simple. The intellectuals, whose basic content is the intellectual erudition filled with thinking logically, rationally considered, expresses itself meaningful, analytical analysis, is able to synthesize, to associate and create new value, even spiritual planes. Accordingly, the man is the shepherd. Those who have graduated from high school, the claims of school-leavers who have a degree, this indicates that the graduate, doctoral student who is in it to the doctors. You're told that everyone adheres to. Human or real, graduate or not is incidental. If you lack the basic literacy, not below the Hungarian average, then perhaps we should not consider the others. It is full of media, politics, power, public sector, education (where the teachers can think of) have you learned or half-educated intellectuals. Of course there are people who have a college or university education without mastered the same skills, the ability to meet the criteria described above, as unfortunately there are those who have any number of universities are carried out, some remain the same as they were. This is known as a social phenomenon, but it can not be generalized. The culture, behavior, intelligence and culture are not always act in a way, and if it is not equivalent to the intellectuals. Once a humble teacher told my son that if today's intellectuals, then I do not want to be...

2011. december 9., péntek

The signs of gambling addiction in the society

There is going to be trouble. We do not suspect it yet, that how big of a problems is gambling addiction. Experts say more and more people are affected by a gambling addiction, which increased the number of options and the rise of online gambling explained. It should be kongatni the emergency bell, because society does not want to wake up sleeping beauty sleep and risk of future generations to grow up and become játékfüggővé, with serious consequences for the individual's development. Nearly 4% of game-related. Computer gaming is such a strong bond to be able to override all normal values. The total abstinence uncontrolled aggression from the child. The computer is blocking normal withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, anxiety, panic may be wild uncontrollable anger or aggression. The mental cries of emergency signals, which always occur where the child was some kind of emotional feeling lonely and abandoned. He believes that it can not get something and want to fill this gap. After a while, the child can not eat any existing computer games and ideas provided by the tinsel of the virtual world, without which the failures disappear and will be successful and effective. The computer játékfüggés symptoms are obvious, but neither the parents nor the teachers nor the librarians do not take these signs, or just ignore it. The addiction is bringing a series of surface modes of conduct which will not be observed. The addicted person can not give up on this hypnotic drogról, even if their physical, psychological and social dangers he himself has felt. The dependence on a social problem, but the society besepri under the carpet. The most vulnerable are the children whose lives are not complete. His parents neglected, unable to achieve success in learning in a relationship, there is no meaningful purpose that fills their lives. If there are no programs, parents are too busy, there are problems around him, the child escapes to a world where these issues are not present. Often the child can not account for the time, more and spend more time at the computer, the school returned home bezárkózik to his room and if benyit parent aggressive angry voice answer, is not interested in anything and no one, not hungry, neglect of basic social needs, not fully using its do not eat properly or are not important now for the things that had been defined his life begins to neglect the hobbies that have long been loved just about able to talk about what he did, where you are currently in the game, the friendly relations are increasingly shifting to the virtual world the study results deteriorate gradually, less and less to learn, says the computer should be prepared for homework, while looking forward to visszaléphessen the virtual world. A child's sense of reality addicts completely disappear, more and more powerful computer games in progress, will be blocked if it is not uncommon for fights, rages, aggression vandalism. The child is often the parents into believing that your computer is outdated and should be a better more modern machines because it's slow. The real reason, however, that the computer game only in the presence of some combination of hardware can be run with the parents of excessive force unnecessary investments. Parents often do not have enough insight into the awareness to recognize the child being misled. At school the teachers are not able to control the hours they can just play and have the computer knowledge is cut off. The rush to the library after school, cerebrovascular, which can enjoy an uncontrolled passion. The naive parents often only knows your child in the afternoon the children to the library went, but I do not know if there's only gambling to be in for until you run out of money to play without stopping, no eating nor drinking, and long walks in the city until you find a attenuation of the place where the kids játékszenvedélyét.Ezek lődörögnek senseless acts only in the brain and that they could gain an additional buckshee circle. About tired eyes, fatigue tells us, there is no sign of emotion on their faces when given the opportunity to use your computer for voltage transformation and trembling impatience and despair izgalommá everything átgázolva impair the computer. When you lose connection and desperately angry, hateful face they want to destroy objects in the environment. The impotent rage incredible aggressiveness to the surface, which provides the most serious crimes of mental background. Clenched fists and angry view of wandering anxiously hoping for relief. The addicted child is not even imagine you life without a computer, dejected, depressed and anxious if they do not play often fatigue, drowsiness, eye muscle balance disorders can be caused by excessive computer use, which in extreme cases, dizziness can cause chronic eye infections are formed, eye burns, eye fatigue, conjunctival redness, dryness, letters, confluence, headache, eye redness or inflammation of the skin edges, or tearing sensation experienced. If such notice to the parent's right to suspect that a child has masked the specific lifestyle of lies. The game of money, you should not allow a home computer, which can also be obtained at the cost of crime. The child's sense of time is wrong, forgets biological needs (eating, drinking, recreation, education) during the game. Not interested in anything but the game did not feel that you do a problem, things Prioritisation of transformation, a world created for himself in which there is no problems and if a parent wants to grab it from the environment is serious resistance to be expected. Young people spend more time at the computer than they originally would. Gradually, isolated, hanging out of school, poor sleep and be apathetic and deviant sexual problems can cause the behavior and in extreme cases appears suiciditás. This could be avoided if parents would csemetéjüknek more attention and to know what programs are using the computer. Social dialogue and complete overhaul of education policy is needed. It is important for prevention and education, and that more attention be given to human relations. The addicted person uses their power to defeat the disease. After all, only to beat the addiction can not be cured. A minimum of 3 months of separation and group therapy helps control the reversion. The kids are looking for an artificial source of pleasure in the games, ergo it must be replaced and not to forget to look out for cheap euphoria. The rotation of the most difficult behavioral addikcióktól. if the patient is unable to eliminate the root cause will not be able to resist the temptation of another, or you can not stop the habit, forced to return to her, his attention is narrowed and confined entirely to the passion. A bad self-image may occur up to the abnormal expression of stress-derivation is quite extreme. Compulsively hurt himself, but the behavior is not önsértő suiciditás but the tension is a derivation. The virtual world of the game which gives a true desire to be in contrast to the reality that they could be the very best, biggest, strongest, most beautiful. Easier szocializálódhatnak the lowest in the world without difficulty. Many people start to play because they feel irritable and very significant capabilities, limitations, and the game suddenly become huge, híresekké become. In this world of change was in the right situation awareness our önértékelésünket, we are able to stand here and endure the difficulties that face the everyday problems of gray. The addicted child is almost resistant to outside stimuli to fall over and over again in the virtual world, where everything is simple and easy, where he dies revived, where the error is repeatable. Every sinner who listens and who does not see anything about it. Parents, teachers, librarians, and the power of psychiatrists. The task is to dissuade young people from playing with exaggerated to communicate with them, helping to solve problems and offer alternatives for them to spend your free time. The dependence on the social impact is enormous. As an adult, a child addicted baby toys and will continue to work in the game will reign over them, play games and cyber-farm work has only become secondary. The game should only be continued until interrupted by his boss to pass behind it. The performance comes at the expense of addiction, like smoking, because smokers are 20% less work than the others because we are going to smoke. The passion escalates gradually, starting small and unpredictable consequences. Long term, seed sown in childhood into adulthood, and the culmination of a life kudarcává matures, which will in adulthood as depression and thoughts of suiciditás kerűléléséhez can also lead to the fore. The Game and others dependent on their livelihood is at stake. The family pot always feels when the child is addicted, they are expenses borne by the families that normally would not. (Equipment purchase, internet, online card subscription, dvd shopping, phone etc) The solution is to young to be connected to the computer games and the Internet than the films on television. Ambivalent, the question is a part of the game fun, which is a normal human need, which is recreation, competition can offer and the potential derivation is suitable, so a kind of psychotherapy also features, on the other hand, however, easily kontrollvesztéshez lead to the daily tasks at risk. The family pot always feels when the child is addicted, they are expenses borne by the families that normally would not. (Equipment purchase, internet, online card subscription, dvd shopping, phone etc) The solution is to young to be connected to the computer games and the Internet than the films on television. Ambivalent, the question is a part of the game fun, which is a normal human need, which is recreation, competition can offer and the potential derivation is suitable, so a kind of psychotherapy also features, on the other hand, however, easily kontrollvesztéshez lead to the daily tasks at risk. The bad event from bad feelings disappear, are not sufficient to psychotherapy or psychology and the techniques we used anti-depressants. More and more people use the emotional releasing techniques, not only in medicine but also in personality development, improving athletic performance, reduce stress at work, school education, development of self-confidence and many other applications can also be used. This is an alternative method of healing and personal development, which is depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress syndrome, stress, addictions and phobias in their impact. A two-year treatment with 80% addicted to playing at least four years has been kept away from the játékszenvedélyüktől, by contrast, managed just six months, only 30% of addicts known to resist the temptation of gambling. The Facebook through the games available, such as Farmville also cause a form of addiction, but this phenomenon is completely different to be treated as a chronic game addicts who complete their possessions, their families, their homes and their careers at risk of gambling addiction in the heat. The slight dependence on simple group therapy and consulting treated. Kodependencia develops, which can be defined broadly, so that men, compulsive behavior or addiction to things. Based on the erroneous assumption that try to dominate the inner feelings that beyond people, things and events are controllable. The control or lack of control, powerlessness, a central issue in all areas of life. The kodependens people very easily become dependent. Constantly struggling to fill it in huge emotional vacuum. The self-esteem is very low (and very often the immature character) in the kodependens dependent behavior and the behavior is not well balanced. The dependence is dominated by such person and the man is not master of his own life, so its internal pressure to perform. From the pathological gambling, the game takes over control of the player, and starts a vicious circle from which it is almost impossible to get out. The player is not playing and I'm not that lie in the environment, because before him a bad person, but because they are sick and unable to free themselves from addiction. The young people who do not have a realistic kialakulva perceptive, particularly in danger. This is due to a computer or other mobile game console, the children of "Mr.", I can do what you want, and if something is corrupted, you can start again at any time, every time. Unfortunately, such a distorted picture of their real life - especially if violent games used to spend their leisure time. Despite trying a different game laws korhatárosítani programs do not achieve much, since most of these children are ignored or deliberately transgress. Major responsibility for the negligent parents, they do not listen to as children and how long you play, this time to remain in the community work together to create and school learning. Unfortunately, more and more cases can be heard on the victims of computer addiction. Perhaps one of the most tragic amok called Winnenden. The police in many of the young man's computer data evidence was found that gaming addiction was so lost and sober judgment, rampant road rage killing indiscriminately allowed. Anders Breivik Behring currently available Facebook profile he wrote of himself that "conservative" "Christian" and "unmarried", and an interest in the hunt for computer games like World of Warcraft and Modern Warfare 2nd The danger of detection more and more websites, consulting deals with the causes and searching for answers and trying to give advice to desperate parents számára.Ilyen recommend appropriate discipline and for increased attention to computer habits. Do not sit more than 2-3 hours at your computer, but this time not only playing, but the computer is used to speak of learn. Not everyone will be subject to a test for some gambling. Much depends on the type of game and the player's personality. - The impulsive personality types, so those who suddenly decide, and do not reflect the long-term consequences of their choice, are more prone to addiction game - explains the psychologist. - The game addicts usually think they can influence the outcome of the game, even though the vast majority of games of chance all depends on chance. Many such are convinced that there is a winning strategy in the lottóhoz. A gambling addiction, which can not be cured, but be asymptomatic. Physiological basis of brain dopamine transmission is causing interference. The majority of players usually get away with the visual experience of addiction and even better things grow out of certain life stages typical addictive game, but for whom there are serious social problems also occur due to the games. Those who are used to escape the real world of computer games in particular are in great danger, because in their case to the enforcement of the virtual space and a place of dignity. A pre-existing personality disorders greatly deepen the immersion of excessive gaming. According to the researchers studied, and the resulting social behavior is also observed that in reality the game addicts find it difficult to express with their peers. The personality development of young people who already have problems in this area, as can be harmful is that the game takes away the time on the real experience from real contact. The game, of course, everyone is trying to develop its own personality, and this sometimes can cause a false picture of the inside players. Of course, the solution sounds simple, you have to find a reality. The only question is that there is enough motivation to do so. The companies behind the fabulous worlds are not in their interest to let the high-paying clients, so serve the needs of all young people. In these worlds feel more like real life. Look better, be smarter, and even magical abilities can perform heroic deeds. The games, however - like the stories as well - they paint an unrealistic picture of pain and death. The child's ego is always somewhere in those seeking to overcome formation, and this could mean these games. The eternity of the world to save all the illusion of a game that motiváció.Az responsible for suicide-related games. "In our researches clearly showed that the suicide game addicts have occurred twice as often among personality disorders, other than for suicide." These personality disorders significantly increase the tendency to commit suicide. The three main risk factors for suicide are: depression, substance abuse and personality disorder. These psychiatric disorders may also interact with each other, such as gambling addiction can cause depression, which leads to financial problems, which will further worsen the depressive state. Another problem is that the game addicts are generally not sought professional help, because they believe themselves to solve their problems. It is important that family members and health professionals pay attention to the suicidal tendency of the small signs of disorder in game addicts. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the sooner you can start treatment, the greater the chance of healing. Only in our country hundreds of thousands of adult gaming addiction, these people are in total about 25 billion a year to play in the family. The biggest problem is that 31 percent of the disease at an early age start the game, which at the beginning of the inhibition-releasing connections. The stress behaviors in very young recreational beszőkültek. Pénzfogalmuk the unformed, mostly because it is not related to work as a value, legal activities. The library is slowly transformed gamblinghause. A passion for computer games due to illness of the modern nation, which is psychological and mental attitudes overshadowed by the future of humanity. All around the world observed a tendency to increase year on year the number of computer-related addictions, including a growing number of game-related disease. Wondering how the library serves the online games through the formation of public culture? The emergence of hybrid libraries of digital and paper-based documents and azámítástechnika symbiosis resulted in marriage. The hybrid computers in libraries, however, does not serve the formation of public education, but with the aim has been to the library, but the computer addiction became addiction nest. Computer addiction is more than that, we like to play as one homo ludens, why do not you sometimes entertain spare time. The addicts, the binding is so strong that produce withdrawal symptoms, which can rage and aggression as well. This is only the tip of the iceberg, because the surface is not straightforward psychological problems and mental attitudes insidiously rampant in our personality that just surfaced hack, but it was out of control. The withdrawal symptoms are signs of restlessness, anxiety, panic may be manifested by wild passions. The mental signs should be taken notice of the family members, because the emotional games burned and barren lonely, withdrawn and then they abandoned the people. Something has to compensate for the lack of games, although we are aware of their actions and the context of spiritual things, we are unable to get off the treadmill. Virtual deception by tinsel ideas are underpinning failure, leading to severe depression and can also lead take one's own life.
The computer game dependence symptoms are obvious, since the dependence on the surface brings a series of attitudes that we have not experienced before. A person can not give it up, even if they are physical, psychological and social dangers can know or feel the environment is prohibited. Often, several dependencies are present together in our lives, the TV computer (chat, games, porn), or cell phone. When the environment is not enough stimulus-rich, does not provide the individual with what you want, or the spouse of neglect, is not able to achieve success in life in a relationship, there is no purpose becomes meaningless of his life (there are no programs for family members are busy, there are problems around him, you can escape into a world where these issues are not present. If you spend more time than an hour a day at your computer, we set off down the slope.
In children, the situation is even worse because of the plasticity of their personality. Often, you may experience a parent to return home from school bezárkózik to his room, and if disturbed, aggressive, angry voice answered, not interested in the family is not hungry, neglect of basic social needs. When you are not important now for the things that had been defined his life begins to neglect the hobbies that have long been loved just about able to talk about what he did, where you are currently in the game, the friendly relations are increasingly shifting to the virtual world, the performance deteriorates, more and fáradékonyabb, which we invent things to justify why you need to switch on the computer, or self-justification about this waiver in search of the addiction. The sense of reality is changing, becoming more powerful "source of success" achieved through computer games, you will be blocked if the quarrels, rages, vandalism and physical integrity of others in jeopardy. Not only suicidal, but slowly the family member is a potential threat. When at home you can not indulge the passion to go to the library, where you can enjoy undisturbed passion. The parent only knows the child went to the library, perhaps even proud of it.
The addicted people's eyes about fatigue, fatigue tells us, there is no sign of emotion on their faces when given the opportunity to use your computer for voltage transformation and trembling impatience and despair izgalommá everything átgázolva impair object of passion. Often only realized pair of sick child or when you want to turn off the computer to print them, because it can not. When you lose connection and desperately angry, hateful face they want to destroy objects in the environment, or people who are limiting or preventing access .. The impotent rage incredible aggressiveness to the surface, which provides the most serious crimes of mental background. In extreme cases, even with a clenched fist and angry view of wandering anxiously hoping for relief. The addicted person has to imagine not know life without a computer, dejected, depressed and anxious, if you do not play often tired, sleepy, eye muscle balance disturbances may be caused by excessive computer use, which may cause dizziness, chronic eye inflammations occur, eye burns, eye fatigue, conjunctivitis , redness, dryness, letters, confluence, headache, redness of the eyelid margins, or inflammation or tearing sensation experienced. The final stage of death, of course, that lack of sleep, the brain blood kimerültségéből resulting from stroke, depression and suicide due to degenerate into. The news is full of such unfortunate wrecks of human tragedies, but no one rise up. A player loses one's sense of time, forgets biological needs (eating, drinking, recreation, study, wc) during the game. Not interested in anything but the game did not feel that he does not correct things by priority transformation, a world created for himself, in which there is no problems and if we want to grab it from the environment, it is surprising resistance to be expected. Unfortunately, the people of all ages, gradually isolated, little sleep and bad and deviant behavior will be.
Social dialogue and good policy would be needed. The restoration of Christian values ​​and the education of children, human stem vethetne intensification of this lifestyle is distorted, which can be overcome, not cured. A minimum of 3 months of separation and group therapy helps control the transformation. The artificial source of joy to be replaced and do not forget to look out for cheap euphoria. The rotation of the most difficult behavioral addikcióktól. if the patient can not resist the temptation he can not stop the habit, forced to return to her. As a result, narrowed and confined to a single passion. Bad self-image may occur if abnormal voltages up to extreme manifestations of derivation. Compulsively hurt himself, but the behavior here is not önsértő suicide attempt, but the stresses and tensions. In the virtual world, what the game gives a true desire to be in contrast to the reality that they could be the very best, biggest, strongest, most beautiful. Easier szocializálódhatnak the lowest in the world without difficulty. Many people start to play because they feel irritable and very significant capabilities, limitations, and the game suddenly become huge, híresekké become. In this world of change was in the right situation awareness our önértékelésünket, we are able to stand here and endure the difficulties that face the everyday problems of gray. Almost become resistant to external stimuli over and over again to be back in the game world, where everything is simple and easy. The dependence on the social impact is enormous. As an adult, a child addicted baby toys and will continue to work in the game will reign over them, and the work will be only secondary. The performance comes at the expense of addiction, like smoking, because smokers are 20% work less than healthy peers, because they go out to smoke. The passion gradually escalate. The seed sown in childhood into adulthood Majdan kudarcává culmination of a life that will be a full adult life can lead to the failure of the game depending on their own and others existence is at stake. The family still feels the family pot is addictive, because expenditure is borne by the families that normally would not. (Purchase of equipment, Internet access, online subscription card, dvd shopping, etc.).
Of course, there is no sharp limit of normal and pathological gambling among dependent. Like most addictions, it is very difficult to manage, there is no clearly effective therapy. The healing is not motivated by ill treatment is hopeless. The first step in achieving patient co-operation, developing a sense of the disease, because most of them are not even the doctor admits addiction to the same extent. The conflict solving, and emotional expressiveness is improved, which is typical of almost any subject. If gambling is a pótcselekvés a result of disharmony or escape from the real problems, the problems that may prevent the goal. The family, spouse, parent, teacher role is to deflect, to pull you out of the game with exaggerated to communicate with him, helping to solve problems, and alternatives offered to the leisure time to spend. If you can not help the environment, the consultation should be obtained, for example, Nyírő Gyula Hospital will join the so-called "compulsive gaming-related" with addicts. The sooner we diagnosed the disease, the sooner you can start treatment, the greater the chance of a cure, but we must admit , that the risk is too great for years.

2011. december 8., csütörtök

What can we do my children addict, if passion patient the child?

His personality is transformed totally. Awareness behavior, anxiety, aggression - an increasing number of parents complaining about children's development of behavior problems. But what could cause this? Well, if the parent is itself looking for the error. Of course, all children are temperamentumbeli properties, which carry the genes. They are totally independent of the rearing. In extreme cases, however, most likely the parent-child relationship with the error. In this case, two painful things a parent can do: Firstly, to critically examine their own behavior, on the other hand, it must adopt a child who is, and should felejtenie what you want to see it. The kids are like a mirror. If you are looking at them, many times ourselves and our own problems, gyengéinket can recognize them. It is, however, show that the solution immediately. If you change the behavior of the parent, the child will do it. What if our son or daughter is constantly crossing the boundaries and rules of provocation? In this case, the parents probably misunderstood something. Everyone involved with the children the freedom to talk, helping with this evolution. The childrens but they need also to be able to orient in the world. Mom and Dad should help in this point, a way to create rules. This is not an easy thing to do. A rather simple konzekvencia allowed leniency and "buy" a kindness. In this case, the parents ask themselves how their children are consistent. And then after the reasons search what they want to fix the leniency. Too little time to spend together? Or they fear that a more rigorous style of teaching can not get enough love? These thoughts completely unfounded, as the children's parents that they wish for themselves, those who hold to give them, helping the world to their orientation. Measure is to create rules and enforce them! The educational problems often are linked to parents' feelings and repressed desires. The parent reinforces the positive qualities of the bad ones are suppressed. Often happens that babies absorb our bad qualities, and who is experiencing them. In particular, their children's behavior in conflict with the parents who are raising them to solve problems peacefully. But maybe that is exactly the problem: no man can always be kind and peaceful. The aggression is collected over time, and suddenly explode. Some children spend anger against themselves. In such cases, anorexia can also occur. In this situation, then you should consider whether there is a family discussion in our culture, children are most often hear these instructions: "Do not veszekedjetek again!" Or "Get it together yourself." If you want to help csemeténknek, we need to know the cause of behavior. Let us examine ourselves, why we are so hungry for peace and harmony, or why are we so lenient. Let us remember our own childhood. If you find the cause, and we realized what viselkedésünkkel as intermediaries, easier to improve this situation. When it comes to debate, to encourage the young ones sometimes do not always preach harmony. It is important that all children feel themselves to. A shy, inhibited children are often too afraid of their parents, so do not get enough freedom. Kindergarten do not have this problem yet, but when schools are unintentionally away from their parents is a step away. In this case, the urchin produce psychosomatic symptoms: poor will be hurt in the head or the belly. Interestingly, all the holidays, time passes. If you are not careful, our children will suffer real iskolaundorban. All of this is because the parent túlfélti child can not let go. If a lot of worried parents, the behavior is felt. Consider that respond to this child. Excessive caution is the feeling of hope that everyday tasks can not solve, and it thinks it is. Do not say many times that: "Be careful when on the road átkelsz" or "oh, just not to be wrong". Instead, encourage, "You are so clever and I am sure to pay attention when crossing the road!" Such phrases suggest, we are confident, skillful, snappily think. Of course, not easy for parents because the children are encouraged by the points will separate away from him. But do not be troubled about this, the emberpalántának the best when armed with appropriate cut her self-confidence for life. Certainly many people are familiar with life situations, when the boy was special classes maintain desired to go to high school because her father feels that he intended to do more csemetéje. It is also common that mothers give up their jobs at the birth of their first child, then the characteristics of school children through their own assessment. They are beginning to redeem their promise, but it does not last long: the crash occurs, and full resist. Be careful with your expectations, do not expect too much my childrens. Monitor your child's signals, to really enjoy any thing. If negative behavior is observed, it may be because the child has just received word of love for us. Do not want to force it into reality is what we dream for ourselves. If it is, and we recognize the situation, to appreciate it more time to ourselves, we fire up goals for yourself. A nervous child, if other family members deal with someone else? The brother is sitting at the computer, mom is shining, and Dad just do not feel like playing. Even classified as deal with, do not feel like anything. This is a typical case in which the child is accustomed to always have someone around, someone is always entertaining. But you can learn how to self elszórakoztatnia? The permanent employment addictive parents, to educate the child passivity. For example, only willing to color if you mom in front of the paper and a pencil. Try to think about the child's head. Believe me, can tolerate a little boredom, you should not turn to entertain! In order to get used to the child's autonomy, both sides must learn to endure the situation: the parents of the child in a bad mood, the child is the boredom. Point of frustration is likely to encourage creativity. At first, of course, we can help him, we can show, for example, where are the colored pencils, where is the paper or the things which we tethered for himself. But watch out, do not be alarmed if at first you can not do anything with this information! It is important to confront the child being alone in a small, independent ideas to be! Aggressive is the child whose acts of offensive nature. This may be directed against anyone (including the child himself), and against the outside world. The general solution for the child aggression: this can help internal tensions, alleviate anger. I do it because it just works, and a decrease in voltage. Why so often ineffective against the prohibition of aggression, withdrawal, or abuse. The aggression, and aggression in children can be targeted directly for the purpose of a child is angry with his brother, and therefore abused. May be indirect: the child's parents angry because they say your life, so the teacher finishes the lesson to be somewhere in running his rage. The aggression can be conscious of the child is aware of the act, he knows what to do and why. Perhaps the unconscious: the voltage generated in some way try to deduce for example, nail chewing, smoking may be repressed aggression: someone or something mad, does not help, but it involves quenching. It later develop anxiety ki.A aggressive children in school. In many cases occur in aggressive behavior at school. These can be hurtful remarks, mocking, discrimination, ostracism, theft, lies, abuse, bad language, etc. The aggressive child aggressive otthonSokszor the child at home, you may notice that the parent that the child behaves impeccably at school, at home, but unbearable. Whatever the situation to be characteristic of the child, the solution of important clue to where the aggressive child, and what triggers it, these reactions? The causes of childhood aggression, the child itself is the victim's family, school, or both. A child victim of some kind of physical or sexual abuse. The child has lost the security of not receiving adequate attention, care, care. Diseases, accidents, amellyekkel against the helpless child.

2011. december 7., szerda

The dangers of the internet

The public libraries turned into the ill people_nation lair through the internet. The Internet has become the tool of choice for perverts, pedophiles and child sexual predators. Using public libraries, which offers them anonymity; they distribute and download child pornography, engage in sexually explicit conversations with children, and seek victims in chat rooms. It is a fact, the more pornography that is consumed by these individuals -- mostly men, the more likely they are to become addicts. That leads to a higher risk of acting out what they see, including sexual assault, rape, and child molestation. According to one study, early exposure (under fourteen years of age) to pornography is related to greater involvement in deviant sexual practice, particularly rape. Slightly more than one-third of the child molesters and rapists in this study claimed to have at least occasionally been incited to commit an offense by exposure to pornography. Among the child molesters incited, the study reported that 53 percent of them deliberately used the stimuli of pornography as they prepared to offend. The habitual consumption of pornography can result in a diminished satisfaction with mild forms of pornography and a correspondingly strong desire for more deviant and violent material. In a study of convicted child molesters, 77 percent of those who molested boys and 87 percent of those who molested girls admitted to the habitual use of pornography in the commission of their crimes. Besides stimulating the perpetrator, pornography facilitates child molestation in several ways. For example, pedophiles use pornographic photos to demonstrate to their victims what they want them to do. This terrible. They also use them to arouse a child or to lower a child's inhibitions and communicate to the unsuspecting child that a particular sexual activity is okay: "This person is enjoying it; so will you." Till when is this state deteriorating yet?