2013. március 29., péntek

Az eperfa

Az eperfa

A kicsiny Szabolcsi falu semmit sem változott az évtizedek során. Mintha megállt volna az idő kereke. Az udvaron szebbnél szebb virágok termelik a nektárt, a kertben takaros gyümölcsfák pompáznak. A rendezett udvaron álló régi vályogházikó apró ablakaival, - előtte gémeskút mellette egy öreg eperfa - ismerős emlékeket idéz a hazalátogató emberben. Egy hatalmas csillogó fekete autó jelenik meg a poros utcában, feltűnést kelt a szomszédok között, akik az alig elhúzott firhang (függöny) mögött fürkésző szemükkel igyekeznek kikémlelni a jövevény kilétét. Egyenes tartású úrféle száll ki a limuzinból, hívás nélkül határozottan lép be az udvarba, nyitva hagyva a nyikorgó öreg kaput. Férfiúvá érett érces hangon mondja: "Jó napot" - nem a tisztes köszönés végett inkább, hogy figyelmezzen rá valaki -  Merre bujkálnak? - inkább fitymálóan, mint kérdően -  A hangra a kas felől előtűnik az ősz bajuszú gazda, hajlott gerincű ősz  öreg ember, a disznóólhoz érve leteszi a vellát, illendően köszönve megemeli kopott kalapját és kíváncsian közeledik az ismeretlen felé, csak közelebb lépve ismeri meg az eperfa árnyékában álló rég nem látott fiát, szeme sarkában megcsillan egy könnycsepp, alig hallhatóan motyogja: "Kisfiam te vagy az?" Fölényes hang válaszol: "Ha látja, minek kérdezi?" Az ellentmondást nem tűrő választól a szomorú csend magas falat emel apa és fia közé. De az atya szeretet felülemelkedik a büszkeségen és szelíden a nyári konyhába invitálja egyetlen fiát, közben elcsukló hangon meséli, hogy a mama két hónapja kórházban van, agyvérzéssel. A fiú nem igen hallja az öreg ember szavait, mert gondolatai messze járnak, homlokát a nagy töprengés sűrű hálója elfedi, és nem enged utattörni holmi alantas érzelemnek. Vonakodva ül le az asztal mellé a hokedlire, ápolt ujjaival előzőleg megérinti, hogy ellenőrizze annak tisztaságát. A szerető atya igyekszik minden jóval kedvében járni rég nem látott fiának, előkerül a tányérra a kolbász és kenyér, mellé paradicsom, paprika, és ki tudja mennyi mindent rakna a csöppnyi asztalkára, ha érkezése lenne. Egyél kisfiam, addig én szívok fel egy korsó finom fehérbort, hogy jobban csússzon az étel. "A fiú belecsíp a kenyérbe és hideg, érces hangjával szakítja meg az apa invitáló szavait. Nem vagyok én éhes! - Sötét van itt, akár a kriptában, miért nem kapcsolja fel a lámpát? Az apa sietve kapcsolja fel a villanyt, s közben mentegetőzik: "Spórolok az árammal, mert kicsi a nyugdíjam kisfiam. Ugyan már, amiben maga a hibás, azt ne kenje másra" - hangzik a könyörtelen válasz. Az atyai szívbe mártott kés sem fájna talán ennyire, mint a fia rideg szavai. A szerető fiúból nagyon fontos ember lett a városban, így könnyen ítél meg másokat. A szülői ház, ahol 18 évig élt, túl földhözragadt és poros viskónak tűnik mára. Fintorogva lép ki az udvarra, krákog, zavartan rágyújt egy cigarettára, megtörli izzadt homlokát és kezét egy illatos kendővel, majd gyorsan határoz. "Na megyek apám, mert sietnem kell" mondja emelt hangon minta az apa nagyot hallana, vagy nehéz felfogása lenne. Villámgyorsan zárja be a kaput, az Apja a kapun belülre szorul, így most a nyikorgó kapu zárja el a szülői ölelés elől az úrfit. Megfordul és akkor veszi észre az eperfát, amin annyit játszott gyerekkorában. Homályos emlékek tűnnek fel előtte, amelyek zavart okoznak a gondolataiban. Az Apja akkor ültette a fát, amikor a gyermek született, és ma már talán égig ér. "Hogy megnőtt ez a fa" - morogja a fiú halkan, de nem az apjának, csak magának. "Meg fiam, látod akármilyen magasra is tör a koronája, azért ebbe a földbe gyökerezett. Az úrfi a kapun át felülről sietősen nyújt kezet az Apának, nem néz rá közben, mert az autó riasztóját babrálja. A hatalmas autó felkavarja a szűk kis utca porát és az apa lelkét, majd ahogy jött, olyan gyorsan tűnik is el benne. A nagyvilág elnyeli az autót és vele együtt a fiát.  A könnyeivel küszködő apa, még áll egy darabig a kapuban, közben megnyugszik az út pora, és vele együtt megnyugszik az öregember is. Lassan komótosan elindul a széna bogja felé, a disznóólnál vállára veszi a vellát közben halkan súgja magának: "A fiam volt!?"

2013. március 23., szombat

Does God Exist? What is answer?

 'I believe that God exists.' 'I think that God resides everywhere, 'I believe that there is a Supreme Mind or a Principle indifferent to human exploits.' Some people do not believe in a personal God but allow that there is something higher out there.No matter whether God exists or not the fact is that the idea of God exists. For a cynic, the sheer existence of this idea is a greater miracle than the marvel of possible God's existence. For it is amazing that "such a vicious and savage creature as man" could have recognized the necessity of such a lofty idea. It does a great credit to man (who otherwise does not deserve much admiration. The most vicious animal has developed the idea of the most sublime being. God does not want to take away this credit from man by considering the possibility  that God has implanted the idea of Himself in man.  If God has created the world, He also created the human mind with the conception of only three dimensions of space. This means that for human mind two parallel lines can never meet since that intuition is essential for our intellect - any other reasoning is not valid on this planet. Note: Of course, if we put two parallel lines on a sphere they will meet, but this could be explained by means of the same Euclidean geometry. What we cannot conceive and accept is that a non-Euclidian geometry holds for the world that we see. It can only apply to non-intuitive and non-worldly entities beyond our comprehension and rational abilities.With our limited abilities we cannot decide the question of God's existence. But our human powers suffice to reflectively determine who we are, what do we believe and what can we know. The man wants to explicate his own nature: what does he believe and what does he hope for. This is possible to figure out independent from the issue whether God exists and is relevant for the issue of evil. As a man I can reason only in the following way:  If God exists and if He did create the world, then He created it according to the men. This world includes both the assumption of three dimensions and the axiom about parallel lines that is constitutive for the visible world. How does man know that God must have created the world according to the axioms of world? Because his mind operates in that manner and it has been presumably created by God. Note: This is a rationalist presumption against those who place God above commonsense logic and against those who propound a world as the geometry of the universe. It appears that the world we see is set up in accordance with the world and this constitution inevitably defines the framework for any discussion and understanding of the world. "I could never understand how one can love one's neighbor." Impossible Love: Concrete individuals close to us are physically repugnant. One sees the ugliness of human race vividly present in those who are around us. People we know do things that make love for them impossible. By their acts they demonstrate that humans do not deserve to be loved. it is in our darkest hour that we must have faith.

2013. március 15., péntek

Signs of Addiction to family

It is my desire in writing this information to help those who have an addicted loved-one. I want to help you understand what, exactly, is going on in your addicted loved-one’s mind and their life. Hopefully my insights, both personal and observed, will give you guidance through this most difficult time in your life. The addict will, as already mentioned, often make your life miserable. They are self-centered and extremely manipulative. They lie without even thinking about it. They even, at times, believe the lies they are telling you. Addicts can often be suspicious and paranoid. They can, on occasion, hallucinate and believe that their hallucinations are reality. They accuse people of conspiring against them. They accuse their spouse of unfaithfulness. This is all done in an attempt to deflect attention from them and their issue. They deny the obvious. They do not show up for work, and then they get angry and blame the boss when they are fired. They steal from their family, and when they are confronted about the issue they get offended. They say one thing and do another. They contradict themselves in word and action. When the truth comes out, and they are confronted with it, they become angry and blame others for what transpired. While they are actively on the drug they feel that they are invincible and that they will never get caught. If they have children, they inevitably end up neglecting them or even abusing them. You see, the addict is caught up in his own little world, and he becomes incapable of caring about anything but his drug.Addiction is a problem that breaks down the walls of all socio-economic classes and devours whoever it can, regardless of their upbringing or background. Imagine, if you will, the one whom you love--the happy, healthy, young person with a great future ahead of him; a talented student, a generous giver, a loving friend, a new parent, and they are losing everything to addiction! All of their time and money goes into their addiction. They lose their job. Their car is repossessed, their house is foreclosed, and their spouse leaves them. The grief is unrelenting; it is almost worse than a death. A selfish, lying, evasive, and suspicious monster replaces your formerly happy and generous loved one. They get violent and abusive towards you. They may even threaten to harm you and steal from you. When you approach your loved one about the situation, about the drug addiction, about the extreme consequences that are transpiring in their life, they will be in denial. They will outright deny any usage of drugs! Any drug paraphernalia that you might find in their room, house, or vehicle will belong to a friend, according to your loved one. If you happen catch your loved-one with the drug in hand, they will most likely concede to using it, but they will vehemently deny they are addicted. They may even say, "Somebody planted the drug on me!" "Oh, I have just taken it once or twice, and it is doing no harm!" They can even go to the length of saying, "I work better on this stuff. It helps me concentrate better!" The person may tell you they can drive more safely while on the drug and that it helps them compensate for their shortcomings. They even go as far as to say they are doing it for your own good so that they can make more money, be more productive, get better grades, and be a better person for you. At times, your loved-one may discontinue use of the drug for a while in a feeble effort to prove to you that they are not an addict, but, unfortunately, they rarely can stay off for a very long time. They attempt this feat in order to demonstrate that they have some type of control over the situation (which they obviously don't). Your loved-one thinks of it as a crutch, hobby, or choice. They use the drug as a medicine, and in their own mind and thought processes, it works! It gives them endless energy, a focus and drive they have never experienced. Everything seems to be fun, interesting, and it feels so wonderful to be high and alive. They know they are dying from the consequences of continued use, but they do not care. It feels so good to die! When you discover that a friend or family member has a problem with drugs or alcohol, it often comes as a huge surprise to you. But secrecy is the drug on which addiction thrives, so it's not really that odd that you were in the dark. Addiction grows worse over a sustained period of time, and there are some indicators that may give you an idea something is wrong with your loved one before the bottom falls out. Here are seven signs you should look for if you suspect someone you love has a problem with drugs or alcohol. As people's addictions get bigger, their lives get smaller, and the things that they value the most begin to fall away. Depression sets in, and suddenly they stop doing activities or hobbies that they once loved, or maybe their mood has become erratic. An example of a change in behavior that's worth noting would be when a person who values health and fitness abruptly stops exercising or eating well. Teens are notorious for wanting privacy, but when their efforts to keep you out of their space become extreme, you might want to examine more closely. This isn't always the easiest area to recognize, because it's a fact of life that friendships fade and new people come into our lives. But when normally social people stop hanging around with their usual group of friends with no explanation, it's important to take notice -- especially if there wasn't an event that precipitated the change. Or, maybe there's a new person in their life that just doesn't seem to be someone they would normally be friends with. This can be a telltale sign that something funky is going on, and it's particularly vital to watch out for this behavior in teens. When addiction takes hold, inevitably some issues are going to come up at work or school. Over time, addicts becomes less capable of hiding performance flaws in areas of their lives that are under the microscope. If a normally responsible person is missing deadlines or not following through on commitments, this could be an indicator that something's up. For teens, a drop in grade performance should be addressed immediately. Addiction is likely to create a bevy of legal issues that are going to make it hard to ignore that something is going on. A DUI or getting thrown in the clink for a drunk and disorderly is an obvious tell that your loved one's judgment is off. But there are also less obvious signs, like doctor shopping or frequenting ER rooms. And addicts can justify their behavior so that they make you feel foolish for asking why they have so many doctor appointments. But if you think something's wrong, go ahead and ask anyway. Relationships with family are often jeopardized when people develop an affinity for drugs or alcohol. Early on, it may reveal itself in behaviors like retreating to their room after work or spending too much time with their face in the computer, playing games or surfing the Web. Communications become strained, and the addict stops showing up to family engagements, or maybe even to dinner. If you feel a substantial shift in your relationship with a family member, you should start asking questions. Extreme physical changes are a big indicator of a problem. Maybe they're getting scraggly and smelly because they've stopped grooming or showering. This may not differentiate one teenage boy from the next, but it's something to keep an eye on. A noticeable weight loss or gain can be a symptom, and the same goes for a change in eating and sleeping habits. For example, crystal meth addicts can stay up for days, then crash and sleep for days. When they eat, they're likely to ravenously consume sugary foods. In an adult brain, defined as a brain that's 24 years or older, there are really only three things that are likely to cause a profound personality change in someone. These are:     substance abuse or chemical dependency or mental illness, or physical ailment, such as a brain tumor. Mind you, this isn't the same as watching a person get a little down in the dumps, or go through a period of anxiety. Profound personality changes are much more extreme.

Addiction treatment centers and hospitals:

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A szenvedély az emberi élet természetes alkotóeleme, míg a szenvedélybetegség egy testileg lelkileg  önpusztító kóros tevékenység. A szenvedélybetegek számára az öröm, boldogság kizárólagos forrása egy speciális tevékenységre szűkül, érzelemvilága beszűkül, érzelmi elmagányosodás, anyagi erkölcsi kihasználás, agresszió miatt. A harmónia kibillen egyensúlyából, az értelem és érzelem harmonikus egysége felborul, a létezés megélésének gazdagsága, színessége beszűkül a szer használatára, mely kapcsolat szenvedélyes viselkedést mutat. A szenvedélybeteg saját létezését, érzelmi stabilitását, örömét a szenvedélye tárgyával való megéléstől teszi függővé. A szenvedély elveszti tápláló, feltöltő szerepét, és a személyiség építése helyett átveszi az uralmat és eredeti szerepéből kikerülve, ellenkezőleg, pusztítóan kezd el hatni. Életének középpontjába a függőség kerül, mely az egészséges szenvedélyesség torzult megnyilvánulása.  A szenvedélybetegségben differenciálatlan örömszerzés valósul meg, redukált értelmi, érzelmi és tevékenységi élménymóddal, aminek a felfokozott intenzitása csak pótolja a teljesség hiányát.  Valamely szer, szokás kizárólagos uralma jelenti a személyiség korlátozottságát, rabságát, mert nélküle az élet sivár, és kietlen a szenvedélybeteg számára. Ez a hatalomátvétel, a függőség kialakulása lassan, szinte észrevétlenül történik, a kialakult szenvedélybetegségben viszont a személy már próbálja tagadni saját maga és a környezete előtt is, ezért a leszokást rendkívül megnehezíti a tagadás és a megvonásos tünetek jelenléte. A szenvedélybetegségek kialakulásában a genetikai hajlam, ha a családban valamely családtag szenvedélybetegségben szenved, örökölhető a betegség. Gyermekkori traumák, elhanyagoló vagy túlvédő szülői attitűd, negatív környezeti hatások. Mély, bensőséges interperszonális kapcsolatok hiánya, feldolgozatlan veszteségek. Probléma megoldási inkompetencia érzése, munkahely elvesztése vagy túlhajszolt életvitel, stresszhelyzetek. Felnőttkori krízisek, traumák, gyász, válás, munkahely elvesztése, családi kapcsolatok megváltozása, betegségek, feleslegességi érzés kialakulása. Életkori szakaszok váltása, pl: klimax, kapuzárási pánik, gyerekek leválása.A szenvedélybeteg jellemzői: Szellemi képességek leépülése, tudati beszűkülés, értelmi kiüresedés, érdektelenség, kapcsolataik beszűkülnek, szexuális örömtelenség, közöny, érzelmi igénytelenség vagy kiégés, elsivárosodás, hangulati labilitás, depresszió, a betegségtudat hiánya, cél nélküliség, felelősség hárítása másokra, agresszió és autóagresszió, szégyen, bűntudat, kisebbségi érzés, öntörvényűség, öngyilkossági késztetés. A szenvedélybetegségek felosztása: I. Kémiai szerek által kiváltott addikciók esetében a konkrét cél a kémiai anyag megszerzése, elfogyasztása Drogok: heroinizmus, kokainizmus, amfetaminizmus. Alkoholfüggőség. Dohányzás, nikotin-függőség. Gyógyszer függőség. A szerhasználat súlyosabb következményei: alkoholos személyiségváltozás, öngyilkosság, féltékenységi pszichózis, alkoholos paranoia, alkoholos hallucinózis, delírium tremens, májcirózis stb.. Viselkedéses addikciók az impulzuskontroll és az érzelemszabályozás zavarai:  Kóros játékszenvedély. Kontroll nélküli szerencsejáték, mely endorfin és adrenalin termelődésével jár. Hatalmában tartja áldozatát, teljes vagyonvesztést idézhet elő. Kényszervásárlás. A feszültség levezetésének és az örömszerzésnek egyetlen módja a vásárlás. Munkamánia: A boldogság és siker egyedüli forrása a munka. Az ilyen ember csak a munkában érzi fontosnak magát. A magánéleti, kapcsolati, intimitási hiányait pótolja. A munkamániás nem azért dolgozik, hogy éljen, hanem azért él, hogy dolgozzon! Számítógép-internet függőség. Menekülés a valós élettől, személyes kapcsolatoktól, felelősségtől egy olyan illuzórikus virtuális világba, ahol az álmok valóra válhatnak, ahol bármi megtörténhet, bárkivé válhatunk, bármit megtehetünk csekély befektetés mellett. Szex és szerelem függőség. A szex olyan kényszeres cselekedetté válik, mely uralja az egész életét, az önkontroll elvész, a szexualitás elveszíti intimitását, meghittségét, az azonnali kielégülés vágya rabszolgájává teszi a függő személyt. Társ és kapcsolati függőség az a személy, aki saját igényeinek háttérbe szorítása árán vállal felelősséget általában egy aktív szenvedélybetegért. Jellemzői: szorongás, depresszió, önértékelési zavar, tagadás, érzései elfojtása, kényszeres viselkedés. Evési zavarok: Bulímia, Anorexia nervosa.
A szenvedélybetegséggel küzdők lelkiállapotuk kiegyensúlyozott működéséhez, boldogságérzetéhez, mesterséges örömszerzők által kiváltott boldogsághormonokat vesznek igénybe. Saját belső energiaforrásukat, kompetenciájukat háttérbe szorítják a könnyen elérhető boldogság megszerzéséért. Kezdetben a szerhasználat öngyógyító szerepet tölt be. De milyen más úton tudjuk elérni azt a boldogságszinten, ami szükséges a teljes és örömteli élethez. Léteznek ugyanis pozitív szenvedélyek: szeretet, intim kapcsolatok, szexualitás, önmegvalósítás, család, hit, meditáció, sport, katarzis stb. A titok az egyensúlyban rejlik, minden szenvedélyesen végzett tevékenység lehet építő, csak a túlzásba vitel, és az egyensúly eltolódása vezet szenvedéshez. Igyekezzünk megtalálni életünkben azokat a természetes örömforrásokat, amelyek saját magunknak és a környezetünknek is boldogságot okoznak. A szenvedélybetegségek kezelésének módszertani összefoglalása: olyan terápiák, ahol a betegség hátterében meghúzódó pszichés problémák feltárása és feloldása a cél. Viselkedésterápiák, mely során a szer használatához kellemetlen ingert társítanak. Biológiai terápiák: orvosi ellenőrzés mellett antagonista szerek alkalmazása. Szociokulturális terápiák: önsegítő csoportokban végzett dinamikusan orientált, a lelki eredetű problémák feltárása és megoldása a cél, pl: pszichodráma. Relaxációs technikák. Transzperszonális pszichiológiai irányultságú megközelítés, mely a személyiség transzcendens megéléséből meríti gyógyító energiáját, pl: dinamikus meditáció, transz-légzés. Egyéb alternatív terápiák: természetgyógyászat, akupunktúra, meditáció a teljesség igénye nélkül. Tekintettel arra, hogy az életünkben megjelenő szenvedélybetegségek akaraterővel ritkán küzdhető le, javasolt fenti tünetek megjelenése esetén szakemberhez fordulni. Amennyiben úgy érzi, segítségre van szüksége, ne késlekedjen! A tünetek okainak feltárása, meghaladása, új alternatívák találása lehetővé teheti, hogy újra örömmel és bizakodva nézzen a jövőbe.

A good marriage is not on paper

Do you think a prenuptial agreement should be signed between a man and woman?In my opinion, a prenuptial agreement ruins  the romance of a marriage. It shows that the groom and the bride don’t trust each other and think about what if something goes wrong. I think marriage is sacred . It’s when two people agree to live together in good and bad no matter what will happen. What is your opinion about pre-arranged marriages?Pre-arranged marriages are very popular in some other cultures, for example in India. It’s when the parents of the couple agree on the marriage of their children. I don’t think that I would be able to live with someone who is not chosen by me. I believe it’s very important to get to know and cohabit  with the person you want to establish a family with. The period of courtship  before one gets married is vital . That is the time when you get familiar with your girl or boyfriend. You have time to decide whether she/he is the person you can imagine your whole life with. In a pre-arranged marriage, you have no chance to decide about it and it can also happen that a very young girl is given to an elderly man, which would probably not happen under normal circumstances. Is cohabiting before marriage important? I firmly believe that people should not get married without living together for at least a year. This is the only way you can get familiar with your spouse’s habits, let them be good or bad. It can be quite shocking to realise after the honeymoon that your husband snores and his feet smell, or your wife cannot even prepare the most basic dish for you. I think that cohabitation reduces the risks of a bad marriage and this way the number of divorces will also decrease.
What can be the pros and cons of getting married at an early age? I believe that getting married early is not very fashionable nowadays. Young people want to go on to higher education instead of starting a family. They think that they should enjoy life until they can and it is enough to find a future husband or wife at the age of 30. The advantage of an early marriage is that the generation gap between the parents and the children would be not so large. However, most early marriages ends in divorce. In most cases, these people are not mature enough to bring up children and to provide them with the necessary financial background. It is very difficult to make ends meet  without the support of the whole family. What do you know of polygamy and polyandry? In order to make judgements  about polygamy  and polyandry , we have to have a clear picture about what the two words derive from . Polygamy is a form of marriage in which a man has more than one wife at the same time. It has been widely practised at various times in many societies throughout the world, and it is still common  in Muslim countries and in some parts of Africa where it is legal under Islamic law. In the United States it is also common in some Mormon communities in Utah. Although laws prohibit  polygamy, thousands of people practise it. It can have several advantages and disadvantages. As far as the husband is concerned, polygamy is an attractive form of marriage for several reasons: it means greate economic contributions  from the wives to the household income; it provides increased sexual availability and companionship; and it attracts greater social status and prestige to be able to afford to look after more than one wife. Polygamy may also prove  attractive to women because it provides a role for women in societies in which there is no accepted social role ascribed to unmarried women; and it means shared child-rearing (gyereknevelés) and domestic labour . Can you imagine having more spouses?  I don’t think I could live with more than one spouse at the same time. However, a lot of people have partners or mistresses who they cheat on their spouse with. Unfortunately, adultery is a very common issue in our world. People might think that it is normal as they see it on television all the time. Being faithful does not mean too much for young people. All they want is sexual satisfaction and not a normal relationship. What is the ideal age to start a family?  I don’t think that there is an  ideal age to start a family. It depends on the person, his/her maturity and way of thinking. Nowadays, as more and more people go to university, an ideal period can be after graduating from higher education. There are, however, plenty of issues to consider  when founding a family: Are you ready for a serious relationship or do you want to enjoy life a little more? Most people would say that enjoying life a bit is a good choice. They believe that having a child is a burden on them. Also, whether you are ready to support a family or not is the most important question to answer. If you don’t have a good, well-paid job, it is almost impossible for one person to earn the money for the whole family. Another issue is the age difference between the husband and the wife. Today it is a trend among young women to choose a man who has already achieved something in life. They need someone they can rely on, someone who would be faithful and a caring husband. What was the situation a hundred years ago? Even in the middle of the twentieth century, most people got married right after high school. Young couples struggled together to make end meet and to bring up their children. It was considered abnormal if a girl who was over 20 was still single. Women wanted to avoid remaining spinsters  and they thought it was a shame if no one choose them. Another important factor was the social status of the young. It was obvious  that two people from different levels of society do not match each other. It was quite rare for people with different backgrounds to get married. If it happened, there were usually family feuds  young men were sometimes disinherited  by their fathers if they dared  to marry someone inferior  to their ranks

Presence in library

Mainly in business life clothes be speak quite a lot. Your appearance have to be natural but pretty. Your clothes and make-up show your character and your personality. After that your speech tells your intelligence. If you’re shy and you haven’t self-confidence your clothes will be low-key and not colourful. But if you’re cool and you’re full of confidence your clothes will be colourful and trendy. How a person dresses depends on the occasion, her/his personality, build and the mood of her/him. Some people obviously think that following the latest trend is the only possible way to decide what to wear, but I prefer choosing clothes that suit my personality and build. It might be more important for people who often appear in public, like actresses and TV stars. I like comfortable clothes. That’s why I wear jeans with a T-shirt or a pullover most of the time when I’m at home. Of course on my workplace I wear costume or trousers or skirts with blouse. I like natural materials, like cotton, linen  and wool. I don’t like synthetic materials at all because I sweat in them. I usually buy my clothes in boutiques or in hypermarkets because there is a wide choice and the prices are reasonable. I buy my shoes in specialized shops because the quality of shoes are very important. I think it’s easier for women to follow the latest fashion because designers deal mostly(leginkább, főleg) with women’s clothes. When you enter a store, the department for women’s wear is usually bigger than the department for men’s wear. Besides this, women can choose from a wider range of different types of clothes; that is, they can wear trousers, suits, skirts, shorts and dresses, while men are restricted  to wearing jeans, trousers or shorts. There are also more accessories  for women than for men. Women can put ribbons , headbands, clips, flowers, grips  and hair-slides into their hair. Both women and men wear belts, wristwatches, rings and sometimes necklaces and studs , but only women wear clips, pearl necklaces, chokers , brooches and lockets. On the other hand, only men wear braces , tie-pins, cuff-links  and pocket watches. Women make up themselves usually at weekdays when they work or at the weekends when they have date. I think the natural and low-key make-up is morenicer than so much and sporty make-up.

2013. március 8., péntek

Strategies for teaching older people

Strategies for teaching older people to use the World Wide Web  Information is increasingly displayed digitally, yet less than half of the population of the hungary use the Internet. Older people are especially unlikely to be Internet users and the consequent risks of digital exclusion must be addressed. A training course in computers and web use for older adults took place at the Moricz Zsigmond Country Library, with 13 years 1500 participants. The course approach was to simplify application interfaces and to ensure that basic skills were learnt before more complicated tasks were presented. As part of this process, there was a focus on learning to use the computer before learners were introduced to the web with its wide variety of content. The course outcomes were positive and the teachers report them here in order to reflect upon the experience and help others who set out to provide training for older people in web use. Based on a sociocultural perspective, this article investigated the learning experiences of a selected group of older adults learning computing technologies at a social center in Library. Data generated from in-depth interviews were used to develop a model of evolving motivation that explains how this group of “anxious novices” had gradually developed into “motivated experts” capable of showcasing their computing achievement to the public. The model highlights the significance of social supports derived from various social contexts in helping older adults make sense of their learning and develop lasting interest in computing technologies.This article explores older method teacher’ perceptions of the barriers to, benefits and negative consequences of computer-based information and informatic technologies  through the analysis of focus group discussions involving 1500 respondents. Older people engage with computers in a context constituted by discourses positioning them as declining in the ability to learn skills such as computing, but creating a burden on society if they do not. In this paradoxical context, participants identified emotional and material barriers, as well as benefits and negative consequences to computer use that are shaped by age and gender. Significant gaps between the Hungary Government’s identification of the benefits of computing for older people and the benefits identified by older people themselves are highlighted. The article argues for the need for a more balanced approach acknowledging potential negative consequences, promoting the ‘people-centred’ benefits of computer use over and above the national economic benefits emphasized in the government’s drive to encourage older people’s uptake of computer-based ICTs.The rapidly exploding aged 60 and over population is expected to comprise 22% of the general population by 2020 and is the same age group which has the greatest digital divide. The senior citizen population in Nyíregyháza is notably higher than the national average. The high tech world that surrounds the older adult population relies on smartphones to servers and being connected to the Internet. The elderly have nothing to relate technology to in their past learning experiences, thus find it difficult to incorporate computing skills into long-term memory. Many senior citizens know they have to learn how to operate a computer because the world will leave them behind. The Internet proves essential to the elderly in not only connecting with family, friends, and lost acquaintances, thus avoiding social isolation, but provides valuable health related information and healthcare options. Moreover, research has shown frequent Internet use by older adults stimulates cognition. Other studies have shown technology enriches daily functions and improves the overall life quality of older adults. Older adults are often not comfortable with the swiftly advancing technology. Many older adults feel computers are intimidating and fear breaking the machine, thus reluctant to learn how to use them. Furthermore, many residents in skilled nursing facilities have hearing, visual, and motor skill impairments making computer utilization an immense challenge. Thus, this aged population that has so much to gain from using a computer for email, web surfing, online shopping, and connecting to the world around them are often unwilling or unable to operate a computer. Older adults receive individualized tutoring in a non-threatening learning environment. Student-teachers assist to overcome the computer fears of the elderly while the elderly learn a new set of communication skills, while being mentally challenged. Other computing courses, including Computer Systems and Hardware, as well as Networking Technologies, contain service-learning term projects in the curriculum.  to be more accessible to older adults.Improving the quality of life of elderly people is an emerging issue within our information society for both research and development. I have addresses some issues on the development of applications for mobile devices, which have been designed to enhance the quality of life of the growing number of elderly people, and how they can be made more acceptable to the target population. We summarize some relevant issues in order to devise a research methodology to cover more than just the technological and physical aspects of user interfacing but also psychological and sociological aspects. One aspect of achieving this aim is to confront designers and developers with those problems that the elderly face daily and which are not easily understood – especially by younger designers and developers. Finally, we present some issues on how to simulate certain physical constraints of elderly by using the joint problems, which is a simulation suit. However, not only physical but also cognitive impairment cause problems amongst elderly and result in fear, anxiety and consequently in rejection. The main goal of this paper is to raise awareness amongst developers on which problems are to be taken into considerations during design and development of mobile applications for the elderly.

2013. március 6., szerda

Librarians are slaves to the culture

Somewhere in the other world, where there are books and culture and plays and shop windows to look at, and thousands of men who spend their lives in building up all four, lives a gentleman who writes real clever stories about the real insides of people; and his name is Mr. Istvan Laszlo Szabo who for bleak unadulterated misery that Hungary's. Do you know what fear is? Not ordinary fear of insult, injury or death, but abject, quivering dread of something that you cannot see fear that dries the inside of the mouth and half of the throat—fear that makes you sweat on the palms of the hands? This is a fine Fear a great cowardice, and must be felt to be appreciated. The very improbability of  proved the reality of the thing. If man drunk then big fear. " There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in our philosophy.  The popularity of the Library has, consequently, been well earned. The public has reason to like it, because it offers them a smiling countenance; and the welcome it gives is merely the outward and visible sign of an inward grace. When people enter they will find a building which has been ingeniously and carefully adapted to their use. Professional architects like it, because they recognize the skill, the good taste and the abundant resources of which the building, as a whole, is the result; and while many of them doubtless cherish a secret thought that they would have done it better, they are obliged to recognize that in order to have done it better they would have been obliged to exhibit a high degree of architectural intelligence. In the realism of its plan and in the mixture of dignity and distinction in the design, The Moricz Zsigmond Megyei és Városi Public Library is typical of that which is best in the contemporary  Hungarian architectural movement; and Nyíregyháza is fortunate, indeed, that such a statement can be made of the most important public building erected in the city during several generations. Of the sculptural designs, the the naked boy on center side of the main approach are by entre doors. They have been subjected to much criticism, mainly of a humorous nature, and in the daily press. This adverse comment has not been endorsed by critics of art and architecture.Any layman can satisfy himself, by a brief observation of the building as a whole, that the architectural balance of the structure demands figures of heroic size to flank the main approach. With that requirement in view, the designer of such figures has but a limited choice of subject, since there are few living creatures whose forms possess dignity without being cumbrous.  There are two entrances to the Library, the main entrance on from church , and the side door on Szabadság square, which gives admission to the basement, where the Central Circulation Room, the Newspaper Room and the Central Children's Room are to be found. On a first visit, however, the sightseer should use the main entrance on  from church , in order to see the lobby, which rises through two stories, with broad staircases to the left. The flying arches of these staircases are of seventeen feet span, and are all of marble without any brick or metal work whatever. The marble used in the lobby is from Vermont. The ceiling of forty feet span, supporting itself and the floor over it, with no metal whatever, except some reinforcing rods buried in the concrete filling in the floor above. Directly opposite the main entrance is the rental space.,The ceiling is supported by four columns. The rental counter is elaborately and beautifully carved in oak. This room is devoted to books for loan of rare books, manuscripts and prints.  The corridor to the south from the main entrance leads to the Current Periodicals  Here about 4,500 current periodicals are on file. A hundred of these are on open racks. The others may be obtained upon application at the desk. A classified finding list gives the reader the titles of periodicals kept here. As this room is sometimes confused in the public mind with a popular or club reading room, it should be remembered that this is one department in a building primarily devoted to the reference work of the Library. The few restrictions which are imposed are only for the purpose of keeping the files intact for binding. The Branches of Country Public Library contain reading rooms where all the periodicals are on open racks.