The scale of the educational challenge in Hungary is so great, and the compound failure of politicians to deal with the problem over the years is so manifest, that society will need to deploy its resources on a war footing until the necessary results are secured. As well as providing the public with high-quality information, special attention should be paid to informing decision-makers, legal and other practitioners, as well as national and politicians; another focus should be the training of those working with children and families together with parents and children themselves! The fundamental public education task, which also applies in the vocational training field, also calls for a differentiated, case-by-case approach. My objective was to talk about strengthening the role of e need for qualified teachers and in education. Education: working at the national, regional and local levels to alert schools and teachers to the importance of establishing closer links with the world of work, opening up businesses and trade unions to schools and promoting/participating in school initiatives to achieve this aim, and building partnerships with schools in order to give young people learning experiences in companies. Ongoing training could have a component of parent and teacher participation in order to involve these in the school's educational project, with a view to understanding the variety of factors affecting their children's studies and thus playing a role in their children's education outside the home environment. The teachers needs to be proactive in terms of the social integration of the Roma people, of the gypsies. The teachers expulsion of gypsies is not a solution. The Roma, or Gypsies, as they were once called, are as worthy of respect as all other ethnic groups. I condemns utterly and without equivocation all forms of racism and discrimination faced by the Roma and others regarded as ‘Gypsies . We must, on the other hand, oppose the use of gypsy sentiment among the public by some political forces to foment feeling in general. The truth is that the problems of the gypsy people are largely the simple result of their own refusal to adapt to the society in which they live, certainly as far as education and vocational training are concerned. Pretending that the Roma/Gypsies are not a problem is not going to do anything to solve our problems. In order to overcome the weaknesses in the development of appropriate strategies and effective measures to implement them where they exist, to amend their operational programmes co-financed by the in order to better support Roma targeted catch-up projects, and to align them with their national Roma integration strategies. I should like to draws attention to the prevalence of anti-gypsyism and its discriminatory effect on the opportunities in terms of employment, education and social services most disadvantaged ethnic-minority group. It is unacceptable for me that every day statements are issued by extremist people like , in which they explain the conceptually absurd criminality of gipsies with genetic reasons, and instead of integrating the Roma into society they demand segregation and ghettos. Issues raised during the discussion included the role of education and vocational training, instruction of engineers and graduates in scientific disciplines, the need to strengthen the relationship between universities, research and industry, the urgent need for public authorities to engage in fighting poverty and energy insecurity, involvement of local communities to develop initiatives and raise awareness relating to intelligent, sustainable energy use, and innovative tools for both informal and formal extra-curricular training. The political power and teaching profession should continue to make every effort to address the following priorities: increasing labour market participation and reducing structural unemployment; developing a skilled workforce responding to labour market needs and promoting job quality and lifelong learning; improving the performance of education and training systems at all levels, and increasing participation in tertiary education, promoting social inclusion and combating poverty. In my opinion, vulnerability to hazards is increased by many factors: e.g. poverty, poor land-use planning and unsafe settlements, rapid population growth, increasing population densities and rapid urbanisation, poor governance, lack of social and financial safety-nets, poor health and disability, poor natural resource management, environmental degradation, gender inequalities, food insecurity, increasing climate change and the fact that more people are living today in exposed areas. Full participation by a parents in work with decent pay can also help to avoid in-work poverty and helps to combat the risk of poverty.
I cannot tell you more now...
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