2014. július 24., csütörtök

Chronology of Early Computing

•            (several BC): abacus used for counting
•            1614: logarithms discovered (John Napier)
•            1622: invention of the slide rule (Róbert Bissaker)
•            1642: First mechanical digital calculator (Pascal)
•            Charles Babbage (U. Cambridge) invents:
-             1812: "Difference Engine"
-             1833: "Analytical Engine"
•            1890: First electro-mechanical punched card data- processing machine (Hollerith)
•            1905: Vacuum tube/triode invented (De Forest)
The War Years...
•            1935: the relay-based IBM 601 reaches 1 MPS.
•            1939: ABC - first electronic digital computer (Atanasoff & Berry)
•            1941: Z3 - first programmable computer (Zuse)
•            Jan 1943: the Harvard Mark I (Aiken)
•            Dec 1943: Colossus built at 'Station X' - Bletchley Park
•            1945: ENIAC (Eckert & Mauchley U. Perm):
-             30 tons, 1000 square feet, 140 kW,
-             18K vacuum tubes, 20xl0-digit accumulators,
-             lOOKHz, circa 300 MPS.
-             Used to calculate artillery firing tables.
-             (1946) blinking lights for the média...
The Von Neumann Architecture Memory Arithmetic Logicaf Unit i
Control Unit -r- ,4c cumutefor

1945: von Neumann drafts "EDVAC" report
-             design for a stored-program machine
-             Eckert & Mauchley mistakenly unattributed
Further Progress...
•            1947: "point contact" transistor invented (Shockley, Bardeen & Brattain)
•            1949: EDSAC, the world's first stored-program computer (Wilkes & Wheeler)
-             3K vacuum tubes, 300 square feet, 12 kW,
-             500KHz, circa 650 IPS, 225 MPS.
-             1024 17-bit words of memory in mercury ultrasonic delay lines - early DRAM ;-)
-             31 word "operating system" (!)
•            1954: TRADIC, first electronic computer without vacuum tubes (Bell Labs)
The Silicon Age
•            1954: first silicon (junction) transistor (TI)
•            1959: first integrated circuit (Kilby & Noyce, TI)
•            1964: IBM System/360, based on ICs.
•            1971: Intel 4004, first micro-processor (Ted Hoff):
- 2300 transistors, 60 KIPS.
•            1978: Intel 8086/8088 (used in IBM PC).
•            1980: first VLSI chip (> 100,000 transistors)
•            Today: ~800M transistors, 45nm, ~3 GHz.
Languages and Levels

Level 5
Level 4 Level 3 Level 2
C/C++ Source
ASM Source
ML/Java Bytecode
Other Qbject Object File Files ("Líbraries")

Level 1
Executable FHe ( "Machine Code")


Computers programmable with variety of different languages. - e.g. ML, java, C/C++, python, peri, FORTRAN, Pascal,. .. Can describe the operation of a computer at a number of different levels; however all levels a re functionally equivalent Levels relate via either (a) translation, or (b) interpretation.

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