2018. december 18., kedd

In memory of Lőwy Ferencz patriarca Demecser descent who 11 April 1921 – 12 August 2015 lived.

A világhírű pátriarka a Demecseri Lőwy Ferenc, aki tökéletesen beszélt haláláig magyarul. 95 évet élt. Apja Mordeháj Márton Demecseri segédrabbi volt.

In Canada at the helm of the Tasher hassidic sect is its septuagenarian rebbe, Meshulim Feish (Forencz) Lowy, who established the community. He was born in Hungary in I923, the son of a  rabbi in the Hungarian town of Demetcher who was known as the Demetcher rov (rabbi). His grandfather, Elimelech, served as a  rabbi near the Demecser border, in the town of Nyírtas, from which the sect derives its name. A hassid, familiar with the rebbe's history, claims that when the present rebbe was three years old, he was praying as if he were a so-year-old rabbi. So impressed was his grandfather, that he said: This little boy will be something, a  very great tsaddik [righteous person J in his time. The 77 William Shaffir present rebbe had been very close to his grandfather, who initiated the Tash dynasty by attracting followers seeking assistance and advice. I  was told: 'And this little grandson was lways with his grandfather. And he saw always how his grandfather was the rebbe, how he's taking care of people, and helping people ... '.  Another follower said: 'Even as  hild, they said he's going to be a  rebbe. The way he grew, the way he made a brookheh [blessing), the say he handled with people'. when his grandfather died, it was announced at the funeral that his son, Eliezer, would succeed his father as rebbe and that in due course after Eliezer's death, rabbi Lowy (Eliezer's nephew) would assume the dynastic leadership. During the Second World War, the rebbe is said to have been saved by several miracles: for instance, he was to have been deported to Auschwitz, but instead was sent to a  labour cap. He returned to Budapest after the war. Meanwhile, his uncle, Eliezer, had died and Rabbi Lowy then became the Tash rebbe, in I945· Rabbi Lowy died on 12 August 2015 in Quebec at the age of 94.

Meshulim Feish Segal Lowy II (Hebrew: משולם פייש סג"ל לאווי‬, Magyarized: Lőwy Ferencz; 11 April 1921 – 12 August 2015) was the fourth Grand Rebbe of the Tosh Hasidic dynasty.
Lowy was born in Nyírtass, northeastern Hungary. His father
Mordecai Márton[1] was the oldest son of Grand Rebbe Elimelech, leader of the native Tosh Hasidim, and his mother Cirel (née Fekete) had been daughter to the chief rabbi of Nyírbátor. He was named after his great-grandfather Meshulim Feish Lowy I (1821 – 1875), the founder of the sect. In 1930, Mordecai was appointed rabbi of Demecser. Upon reaching the age of twelve, the boy was sent to study at the yeshiva of his uncle, Ascher Adolf Lőwy, in Nagykálló. On 2 December 1942 his grandfather died, and Mordecai succeeded him as Grand Rebbe. In 1943, the young Lowy was drafted into the Labour Service, to which ethnic minorities and "politically unreliable elements" were recruited in lieu of regular military service. He was sent to a labour camp in Kassa, where the inspectors regarded him as insane due to his extreme piety, largely ignoring his conduct and allowing him to maintain a fairly observant lifestyle. Later on he was reassigned to a camp in Margitta. As a Labor Serviceman, he was saved from deportation when German forces entered Hungary on 19 March 1944, while most of his extended family was murdered in Auschwitz during the summer. In October 1944, Lowy's camp was liberated by the Red Army. He wandered across the country, seeking survivors in Kisvárda, Makó and other cities. In 1946, he married Chava Weingarten. Eventually, the remnants of his father's Hasidim crowned him Rebbe at Nyíregyháza in 1948. Lowy remained in Hungary for a further two-and-a-half years, until the growing threat of the Communist regime motivated him to instruct his followers to leave their country.

Meshulim Feish Segal Lowy II (héber: משולם פייש סג"ל לאווי, Magyarized: Lőwy Ferencz, 1921. április 11. - 2015. augusztus 12.) volt a Tosh Hasidic dinasztia negyedik Grand Rebbe.
Lowy született Nyírtasson, Apja, Mordecai Márton Rebbe Elimelech legrégebbi fia, a natív Tosh Hasidim vezetője, anyja Cirel (Fekete néni) a Nyírbátor főrabbi lánya. Dániel Meshulim Feish Lowy I (1821-1875), a hitközség megalapítója után kapta nevét. 1930-ban Mordecai-t Demecser rabbinak nevezték ki. A tizenkettedik életév betöltése után a fiút nagybáttya, Ascher Adolf Lőwy iskolájába(yeshivájába) küldték. 1942. december 2-án a nagyapja meghalt, és Mordecai nagy ribbé lett. 1943-ban a fiatal Lowy-t a Munkaszolgálatra besorozták, amelyhez etnikai kisebbségek és "politikailag megbízhatatlan elemek" kerültek felvételre a rendszeres katonai szolgálat helyett. Kassán egy munkatáborba küldték, ahol az ellenőrök rendkívüli kegyességük miatt őrültnek tekintették, nagyrészt figyelmen kívül hagyva a magatartását, és lehetővé téve számára, hogy megőrizze a tiszteletteljes életmódját. Később egy Margitta táborba helyezték át. munkavezetőként 1944. március 19-én, amikor a németek 1944. március 19-én elhagyták az országot kiszabadult a deportálásból, de családja nem volt ilyen szerencsés nagy részét Auschwitzban meggyilkolták nyáron. 1944 októberében Lowy munkatáborát felszabadította a Vörös Hadsereg. Vándorolt ​​az országon, keresett túlélőket keresett Kisvárdán, Makón és más városokban. 1946-ban feleségül vette Chava Weingartenot. Végül az apja Hasidimének megmaradt tagjai által 1948-ban főrabbivá szentelték Nyíregyházán. Lowy további két és fél évig maradt Magyarországon, míg a kommunista rendszer egyre növekvő fenyegetése arra késztette őt, hogy el hagyja hazáját. Kanadába menekült.

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